Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to Make Skittle Vodka

Skittle Vodka 

The other day some friends gave me a jar of their homemade Skittle-infused vodka and after trying it I immediately added it to my list of things to make!  While cruising the candy aisle at the store partner-in-crime and I were rattling off other candy that might make tasty vodka and being two of the most indecisive people you will ever meet we decided to experiment with 3 different candies - regular Skittles, Sour Skittles, and Swedish Fish.

You will need:
  • 1 or 2 bottles of Vodka depending on how much you want to make - don't get the super cheap stuff but you don't need the super expensive stuff either
  • Skittles, Sour Skittles, and/or Swedish Fish  - Walmart or Target have big bags of regular Skittles and red Swedish Fish and you will need a big bag or a lot of little bags depending on how much you plan on making
  • Glass Containers with lids that seal - old pasta jars or mason jars work great (update:  avoid plastic containers - they give the alcohol a funny taste)
  • Coffee filters
  1. Sort the Skittles by color
  2. Measure your skittles and pour them in a jar - you will want 1/2 oz of Skittles for every 2 oz of vodka.  I just used a shot glass and filled it half way with the Skittles and then 2 shots of vodka or if you are using measuring cups its 1/4 cup of skittles for every 1 cup of vodka.  
  3. Measure out the vodka and add it to the jar
  4. Close the lid and shake it up
  5. Wait for the Skittles to dissolve - shaking the jar every couple of hours.  It takes about a day for the Skittles to fully dissolve - some colors will take a little bit longer. 
  6. Once the Skittles have dissolved, strain the vodka through a coffee filter - this step seems odd but its necessary to avoid little white specks floating in your drink.  
  7. Return the strained vodka back to a sealable container.  
  8. Enjoy with your favorite mixers - here are some mixed drink ideas!

* The ratio of candy to vodka really depends on personal preference.  I tried a few different combinations and decided that 1/2 oz of candy per 2 oz of vodka tasted the best - not too subtle not to sweet.  I recommend starting off with a small batch of each flavor and then once you know your favorite(s) make bigger batches. 

Sour Skittles - I used the same directions as above.  They have a little bit of a sour kick to it and people really enjoyed them. 
Sour Skittle Vodka
This picture was taken before the vodka was filtered - filtering it really makes a difference!

Swedish Fish - Again, I used the same directions as above but they are a little harder to measure - I used a 1/3 cup measuring cup for every 8 ounces of vodka*.  The Swedish Fish take a lot longer to dissolve and need more straining but the result is pretty yummy!  Note - if you are making red Skittle vodka and Swedish Fish vodka at the same time make sure you label them - they look identical!

Swedish Fish Vodka

Have you tried candy-infused vodka before?  Leave a comment and let me know what your favorite kind is! 

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