Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mixed Drinks with Skittle Vodka

So now that you have made your Skittle Vodka I am sure you are wondering what the heck to do with it, right??  That is a very easy answer – anything you want!  

Here are a few mixed drink recipe ideas – a few pretty basic ones and then a couple fancier ones. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Make a Deliciously Easy Ice Cream Pie

My friend's birthday few days ago and I wanted to  make something really extraordinary to celebrate.  It was a little tricky because she is particular (aka picky) - she doesn't like cake, she doesn't like things that are too sweet, and she claims she doesn't like chocolate...but I am slowly converting her.  

I decided to recreate an old family favorite - the original Robin Mile High Mud Pie.  When I was a kid my mom used to take us there for our birthdays and we would all share this treat that was taller than our heads!  It had layers of chocolate and vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, cookie crumbles, whipped cream, and lots of hot fudge - delicious!  Some where between when I was a kid and now they have changed the recipe and its just not the same.  So I took matters into my own hands and made my own pie with layers all of my favorite treats to create one delicious concoction! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Baked is the New Fried: Baked Garlic Sweet Potato Fries

 In our house we try to eat Paleo  during the week.  Adapting favorite recipes and new discoveries has been a fun challenge.  I have been incorporating a TON more veggies into meals.  In an attempt not to get stuck in a rut I have been mixing up the ways I prepare them and I have found some of my new favorite snacks.  Growing up my mom used to make oven fries so I took her recipe and Paleoized (my new word) to make some fabulous and oh-so-easy baked garlic sweet potato fries.    This is now one of the top "go to" recipes in our house!

Baked Garlic Sweet Potato Fries