Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Make a Deliciously Easy Ice Cream Pie

My friend's birthday few days ago and I wanted to  make something really extraordinary to celebrate.  It was a little tricky because she is particular (aka picky) - she doesn't like cake, she doesn't like things that are too sweet, and she claims she doesn't like chocolate...but I am slowly converting her.  

I decided to recreate an old family favorite - the original Robin Mile High Mud Pie.  When I was a kid my mom used to take us there for our birthdays and we would all share this treat that was taller than our heads!  It had layers of chocolate and vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, cookie crumbles, whipped cream, and lots of hot fudge - delicious!  Some where between when I was a kid and now they have changed the recipe and its just not the same.  So I took matters into my own hands and made my own pie with layers all of my favorite treats to create one delicious concoction! 

Now bare with me – it looks like there are a lot of directions but its actually very easy to assemble.  It only took me about 20 minutes to put it all together.  The cake can be ready to go after about 4 hours of freezing but is much better if its frozen over night. 

You will need:

  • A pre-made Oreo pie crust
  • Oreos, crushed (I used about 10 cookies)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • Peanut butter sandwich cookies, crushed (I used a Nutter Butter Go Pack that was 4 oz and it was perfect)
  • Vanilla Ice Cream, softened
  • Chocolate Ice Cream, softened
  • Hot Fudge
  • Whipped Cream, optional

To Assemble:
The trick to this cake is using a bowl that at the top is as wide as the pie crust.  You are going to make the cake upside down and then flip it over into the pie crust.  I didn’t have a bowl that was exactly as wide as the crust so I used one that was a little bit bigger but didn’t fill it all of the way.
  1. Line your bowl with plastic wrap.
  2. Scoop the softened chocolate ice cream into the bowl - I used about 2/3 of a half gallon carton. 
  3. Stick the bowl in the freezer while you melt the peanut butter. 
  4. Mix the crushed peanut butter cookies into the peanut butter.
  5. Take the bowl out of the freezer and spread the peanut butter/cookie mix over the chocolate ice cream.
  6. Sprinkle the crushed Oreos over the peanut butter/cookie mix.  Stick the bowl back in the freezer for 5 minutes or until the peanut butter is slightly hardened.
  7. Scoop the vanilla ice cream on top of the Oreo cookies - I used about 1/2 of a half gallon carton.
  8. Heat up enough hot fudge to cover the vanilla ice cream (about ½ cup but you could always use more!).
  9. Put plastic wrap over the top of the bowl and freeze for at least 4 hours (Over night is recommended).
  10. When you are ready to serve the ice cream cake, take the plastic wrap off of the top of the bowl. 
  11. Put the Oreo crust upside down over the bowl. 
  12. Holding on to the crust and the bowl, flip them upside down so the pie is sitting in the crust.  
  13. Lift the bowl off of the ice cream and remove the rest of the plastic wrap. 
  14. Serve the cake with hot fudge and whipped cream.  

Look at all of those layers - YUM! 

Don't want to mess with making an ice cream pie or do you need to feed a lot of people?  
Turn it into an ice cream cake!  Use a square or rectangle pan and crushed Oreos instead of a pre-made crust.  Instead of assembling the cake upside down, start with the vanilla ice cream directly in the crust and build from there.  You may need to double or triple the amount of cookies, peanut butter, and hot fudge you use depending on the size of the pan you use. 

If you could have one special treat on your birthday what would it be?

**In celebration of Pi Day I’m partying at the  Pi Day Pie Party at Crazy for Crust today!**

Bring your favorite chocolate dessert to Roxana’s home baking #chocolateparty and win amazing prizes from OXOCalphalonKeurigImperial SugarHoney Ridge Farmsand Land O Lakes® Butter

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