Wednesday, April 24, 2013

May the Losses (of weight) Be Ever In Your Favor - Day 15

For the second week of the Game On! Diet competition I was in sunny California on vacation!  It was a last minute trip and I didn't know I was going before the game started.  I will admit I was a little bit nervous to see how it was going to go.  But once I got into the routine of things down there it went pretty well! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

May the Losses (of weight) Be Ever In Your Favor - Day 8

One week down and three more to go for my Game On! diet and oh boy has it been an interesting week!  If you missed Day 1 read here to catch up.

Some highlights of the week include:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

May the Losses (of weight) Be Ever In Your Favor - Day One

May the Losses (of weight) Be Ever In Your Favor - that's the first thing I saw today when I opened my inbox.  At this point I had been up since 6:30am, worked out, drank more water than I usually would in an entire day, and was at work.... Welcome to Day 1 of The Game On! Diet. Now my first thought is how ironic that we are quoting The Hunger Games when starting a diet but The Game On! Diet is so much more than a diet. It's a way to incorporate healthy habits into your daily life and work on getting rid of other not so healthy habits.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

My Experience with Influenster VoxBox

I was lucky enough to be chosen to receive an Influenster VoxBox a few months ago.  If you haven't heard of Influenster yet I highly suggest you go check them out!  Influenster is a social media site that allows users to leave reviews for all sorts of products including health, beauty, sports gear, and food products.  If you are looking at buying something new go check out the reviews on Influenster for reviews written by real people!  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cute and Easy Message Board for under $5

Are you ready for the hands down easiest project ever??  As promised in last week's post about Words of Affirmation here is a very simple, fun, and cute gift to give your partner or hang up in your house.  The best part is you can make it in under 5 minutes and 5 dollars!