Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cute and Easy Message Board for under $5

Are you ready for the hands down easiest project ever??  As promised in last week's post about Words of Affirmation here is a very simple, fun, and cute gift to give your partner or hang up in your house.  The best part is you can make it in under 5 minutes and 5 dollars!  

You will need:
- An inexpensive picture frame - the size is really up to you I like the 4x6 size; also decide if you want to hang it up or prop it up and choose a frame accordingly.
- A dry erase marker in your favorite color - try to get one with a built-in eraser because it makes changing the message less messy!
- A piece of scrapbook paper - pick a paper design that is subtle and will not distract from your message

Now all you do is cut the scrapbook paper to fit inside the picture frame, hang up or find a good place for the frame, and start leaving sweet messages for each other!  

Our message board is in the kitchen - it's an easy spot where we both see it multiple times a day.  It gets updated about once every other day by one or both of us and when friends come over they will leave messages or pictures too.  The board is a simple and fun way to connect with other people in a new way!  

Go make your own and let me know how it goes! 

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