Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Spice Monster Cookies

I have been without my Kitchen Aid mixer since we packed up our house back in June.  When we drove across the country we only took the essentials and while I may think my mixer is essential to every day life - others may not agree.  So I left it behind.  
When we got here I was so excited to see our kitchen because it was HUGE compared to our old one!  Our old kitchen had 1 counter and the sink took up most of it - our kitchen here is open with lots of counter space... the only thing that was missing my my mixer!  

Well after asking bugging my mom for months to send it it finally arrived last week!  My mixer and I had about 4 months worth of mixing to make up for!

Since we were celebrating the arrival of my beloved mixer I wanted to make something new and different.  Then I heard that Dixie Crystals was hosting a Cookie Contest for the Mixed Conference so I knew whatever cookie I came up with had to be extra special!  Because hello! I love baking contests and the Mixed Conference is on my blogging bucket list!  

After a little experimenting I came up with these Pumpkin Spice Monster Cookies and let me tell you they are the perfect celebration cookie!  These cookies are soft, chewy, and full of flavor thanks to the 3 different types of chips used!  

Now while you enjoy these I'm gonna go whip up some more treats... like I said I have 4 months of mixing to make up for!

Pumpkin Spice Monster Cookies
2 sticks of butter, softened
1 package of Pumpkin Spice flavored instant pudding**
1/2 cup of Dixie Crystals Sugar
1 cup of Dixie Crystals Brown Sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup oats
1/4 cup toffee bits
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup cinnamon chips

Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.

In a mixing bowl, cream together the butter, pudding mix, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth.  Add the eggs one at a time and mix until incorporated.  Mix in the vanilla.  Add 1 cup flour, baking soda, cornstarch, and salt to the batter and mix until incorporated.  Add the other 1 1/2 cup of flour and mix again.  Add the oats and mix until incorporated.  Fold in the toffee bits, white chocolate chips, and cinnamon chips by hand.

Drop spoonfuls of dough onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

** Can't find the Pumpkin Spice flavored instant pudding??  That's ok!  Use a 3.4 oz size Vanilla instant pudding and two teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice (or 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon ginger, 1/4 teaspoon clove or allspice, and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg).  


I want to hear from you - what's your favorite kitchen gadget?  



  1. These look fabulous! I stumbled upon your blog by accident and I'm so glad I did. I'm going to be stopping by again soon because your recipes look fantastic! :-)

    1. Hi Colleen! Thank you so much for your sweet comment - it made my day! I am so glad that you like what you found! :)

  2. These cookies sound brilliant. Like fall has taken over your oven. I'd love to try them. You should just go ahead and win every contest.

    1. Thanks Renee! Fall has definitely taken over my entire kitchen but I have started thinking about Christmas already!

  3. My favorite kitchen gadget is my food processor. It cuts my cooking time in HALF. I also make it double as a pastry blender so I can make pies twice as fast :)
    These cookies look SO good!

    1. Hi Cathleen! Thanks for stopping by! I have a food processor but never really know when to use it! I need to figure that out - it sounds like its a huge time saver!

  4. I don't have a Kitchen Aid mixer yet but I've almost got the points I need to get it for free from our state lottery (yes, I dig used lottery tickets out of the trash). So until that makes it to my house I'm going to have to go with my food processor. Or my mixer. Or both.

    These cookies look incredible! I love the mix of spices and "candy" you have in them. Yum!

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

    1. Hi Carla - thanks for stopping by! I am completely intrigued by how you can earn points from your state lottery - I have never heard of it!

  5. These look yummy!!! You had me at pumpkin!

    1. Hi Tara,
      Thanks for stopping by! And thank you - I really like them I am actually making more today!
