Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What's Momma Makin' - A Little Bit of Anything Scramble

Last spring I joined Nel and a group of people from her work and their friends in a diet called Game On Diet. Being a protein addict, that part was easy but one of the requirements on the diet is to incorporate two large servings of vegetables each day.  

Easy to get a salad in at dinner but I was having trouble getting more veggies in during the day until I remembered my Brother-in-Law, Rob and his eggs, which led to this breakfast idea. Plus, it is a great way to keep the vegetable bin in your fridge fresh and well stocked.

I originally learned this egg cooking technique from my Brother-in-Law Rob. He gets up in the morning, opens the fridge and anything he finds in there is fair game to be added to his eggs, left over macaroni and cheese, rice a roni, taco meat from the night before…. you get the idea... ANYTHING. I have to say, the first time I saw him do this I was not impressed in the least, in fact I found the idea quite awful. Rob's style of Anything Scramble didn't appeal to me but I knew I could use my vegetable bin to adjust his original idea and easily get my required veggies each day.

Since incorporating Anything Eggs into my morning routine, I have actually read two separate articles on health and fitness that talked about how good it was to start your day off with lots of veggies and fiber, and we all know protein has the staying power to keep you full all morning long, 
so there ya go!

I use whatever I happen to have in the fridge. 

Today I have:Spritz of Olive Oil Spray in small fry pan
Red and Yellow Sweet Peppers, chopped
½ Sweet Onion, chopped
½ Small Zucchini, chopped
Broccoli, chopped
2-3 Cloves Garlic
2 large handfuls Baby Kale, chopped (about 1-1/2 to 2 cups)
Salt and Pepper to taste
2-3 eggs, whisked
4 Tablespoons Salsa (optional)
Pinch Cayenne pepper (optional)

Preheat small fry pan on medium heat, spritz with olive oil spray, add peppers, onion, garlic and sauté for a few minutes, add salt & pepper, salsa, cover with a lid and let steam until all of the veggies are done to your taste.

Turn the fire down under the pan, add whisked eggs and pinch cayenne pepper if you like a little spice, salt & pepper to taste. Add the Kale, stir well and put the lid back on until the eggs are cooked through, stirring occasionally.

Not the most beautiful dish I have ever created but 
very tasty.

Yummy additions:
Fresh Cilantro or any other fresh Herb
Goat Cheese
Fresh Tomatos
Left over baked potatoes
Field Roast Grain Meat Company's Veggie Sausages
(LOVE the Mexican Chipotle Veggie Sausage!)

ANYTHING you are brave enough to try!

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